As we age, many of us find ourselves with teeth that are no longer structurally sound. Root canals, lost fillings, decay below a filling, chipping and cracking of the enamel are all things that can lead to large scale defects in a tooth's surface. A dental crown is needed when a tooth is badly broken down - either a cusp has broken off, or there are large old fillings or a large portion of decay. A filling is used to fill a small portion of the tooth - a crown when the tooth has extensive damage. There are basically two types of crowns, those all porcelain/ceramic (metal free) crowns and porcelain fused to metal crowns.
The Dental Crown Procedure
Before the dental crown can be placed on the tooth, our dentist will file the tooth down to make room for your crown. Then an impression of the tooth and the surrounding teeth will be made. While the dental crown is being created, a temporary acrylic crown will be placed on the tooth. When the permanent dental crown is ready, the temporary crown is replaced during a separate visit. Dental crowns can last anywhere from averagely 10 years.

1. Porcelain fused to metal Crowns
Porcelain fused to metal dental crown is a hybrid between all-metal crown and all porcelain crown. When being manufactured, our dental technicians will make a shell of metal (substructure) that is custom fitted for your affected tooth. A veneer of porcelain is then fused over this metal, giving the crown a white tooth-like appearance. Porcelain fused to metal crowns has the advantages of having a nearly natural appearance from the porcelain, and the strength and stability provided by the underlying metal. Porcelain fused to metal dental crowns is stronger than the all porcelain crowns but are more prone to fracture than an all-metal dental crown.
2. All Porcelain (Metal-Free) Crown and Bridge
All porcelain crowns will make your new tooth both strong and beautiful. This tissue friendly porcelain crown recreates the strength and natural beauty of your tooth. Due to the strength in the modified core material, all porcelain crowns are suitable for prosthetic reconstructions anywhere in the mouth. In addition, more and more patients are asking for constructions made of materials not containing metal or other alloys. All porcelain crowns are made of a biocompatible material which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. This new reinforced resin or bonded all-porcelain type of crown has the nicest appearance. This crown can be made from pure ceramic or a new reinforced composite resin, and is almost indistinguishable from natural teeth. The new bonding technology involved provides an exceptional bond your tooth. It is metal-free, and thus satisfies the needs of patients with metal sensitivities. When correcting your back teeth with bonding, the cosmetic dentist will perform a tooth colored onlay. This type of procedure is used to correct only those parts of the tooth that are in need. This is a metal-free procedure.
Post Operative Care Instruction
- You may find some sensitivity in the next few days but it shouldn’t be too painful. It is possible that the tooth might be sensitive to hot or cold so try to avoid any extreme temperature change.
- You will also notice that we have placed a temporary crown on the tooth. This is done to protect what is underneath and it is only on with a temporary cement so it could come off although it isn’t likely if you are careful. If it does happen to come off, please call the clinic and we will put it back on for you. This will only take a few minutes so it won’t take up too much of your time.
- In the meanwhile stay away from anything sticky such as gum etc. You shouldn’t experience any problems and after your next appointment you will be able to function normally.