ALL-ON-4™ Immediate Function Implants for edentulous patient
All on 4? implant is a new protocol that allows you to leave our office with whole permanent fixed teeth in only 1 trip!!This is a custom-designed , perfect-for-you smile.
Around the world more than 300 million people are missing one or more teeth . Being edentulous is a more common handicap than many realize. Research, documented studies and a long clinical history have proven the effectiveness and long lasting results of dental implants, especially pertaining to the physical benefits of osseointegration and bone preservation.
ALL-ON-4™ implant solution has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and allow Immediate Function™. It changes what has become "traditional" thinking with regard to immediate loading for the edentulous patient.
The concept has near universal application, with a simplified approach to the entry-level fixed restoration that has the potential to make this treatment affordable for an even greater segment of our population. The procedure is clinically documented by several independent studies, covering all oral regions, showing high success rates. The single most important actor for the success is the unique TiUnite™ implant surface
"All-on-4™" for edentulous jaws is a treatment procedure that uses tilting posterior implants. This facilitates an optimal support for an acrylic bridge that can be fabricated and functioning within just a few hours after surgery. The All-on-4™ clinical solution has been developed to maximize the use of available bone and to allow for Immediate Function™. Individual Procera® Crowns in Alumina or Zirconia cemented to a Procera® Implant Bridge framework for excellent esthetics and strength.