(The Ultimate Solution for Severe Bone Resorption of the Upper Jaw)
Conventional Dental Implants may not be viable for people who have problems associated with severe bone resorprtion, a condition wherein valuable bone structure have been lost due to effects of missing teeth. Certain medical conditions or illnesses may also cause people to have lesser bone structure, making them less of a candidate for Dental Implants. In this case, they may have to undergo certain invasive procedures like bone grafting or sinus lift, which significantly extend treatment time. |
Furthermore, there are some cases wherein extreme bone loss cannot be resolved with bone grafting procedures anymore. With this condition, the only option available was to wear traditional dentures, which is obviously less of a permanent solution and only contributes to inevitable inconveniences like being unstable and uncomfortable inside the mouth, not to mention that dentures don’t actually prevent further loss of valuable bone structure that are needed to maintain healthy gums. |
Having taken these concerns into consideration, Nobel BiocareTM, the world leader in implant dentistry modernization, have come up with the ultimate solution in allowing the installation of dental implants, no matter how severe your bone resorption condition may be – The BRÅNEMARK ZYGOMATIC IMPLANT SYSTEM. |
Zygomatic Dental Implants are primarily designed for the treatment of severely resorbed upper jaws. The implants are directly installed in the cheekbones (bypassing the sinus), where the area has sufficient bone density, and are usually supported with 2 to 4 other dental implants on the front jaw, thus establishing a superior support for implant-supported fixed dental bridge or full dental arch – all done in a single surgical procedure and without the need for any invasive bone grafting procedure/s.
In addition, the surface of these Zygomatic Implants are all coated with TiUniteTM, a unique material equally developed by Nobel BiocareTM, that dramatically increases osseointegration (implant-to-bone integration) which also makes them possible for immediate loading and in achieving top-level success rate for the procedure. |
TiUniteTM has been proven to enhance osseointegration over the years and is one of the most clinically explored implant surfaces around the globe. Its success rate has an overwhelming reputation and as a result, it is now consolidated on all Nobel BiocareTM Implant Systems. |
The success behind TiUniteTM comes from decades of research and development staged by the company’s conventionality for dental implant placement, specifically on osseointegration protocols. This resulted in the creation of a thickened layer of Titanium Oxide rendered into a ceramic biomaterial using spark anodization. The osseoconductive layer also features a moderately rough surface which enables rapid bone growth along the micro-pores produced by this roughness, culminating a faster and stronger interlocking between the bone and the implant surface, as compared with machined-surfaces. Moreover, TiUniteTM has remarkably increased the survival rates of Dental Implants, especially on poor bone density areas. In comparison with standard machined implants, TiUniteTM makes it possible to perform immediate loading more frequently and with supercilious outcomes.
At Sea Smile Dental Clinic, our prosthodontists and dental lab technicians have undergone extensive training and are well-experienced with the protocols for involving Zygoma Dental Implants – from the diagnostics, surgical, and prosthetic methods up to the after-care and maintenance procedures, rest assured that you are in good hands and a great smile is just around the corner.
The BRÅNEMARK ZYGOMATIC IMPLANT SYSTEM only requires 3 easy steps to complete: |
DIAGNOSTICS & PLANNING – Thorough examination through various radiographic and panoramic x-rays as well as necessary medical checks will be done to come up with a clear diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan. |
IMPLANT POST PLACEMENT – This would involve any tooth extraction procedures if necessary. Surgical placement of the dental implants will be done right after any tooth extraction procedures. |
PROSTHETIC PLACEMENT – The fabrication and final installation of the prosthesis is made during the prosthetic procedure. This would include any necessary adjustments for proper fitting and occlusion (bite). |
Some factors are to be considered when opting for Zygoma Dental Implants: |
✓ Healthy Sinuses – Both of the sinuses must be free of any pathogens and other clinical symptoms.
✓Radiographic Imaging – There should be appropriate readings and results on your imaging or x-rays during diagnosis and planning phase.
✓ Other Expectations – There would be a strong possibility of placing at least 2 or more additional implants to support the main Zygomatic Implants. The probability of controlling or decreasing bending movements may be necessary during recovery to maintain cross-arched stabilization, decrease cantilevers, and optimal bite or occlusion. |